
Friday, June 5, 2020

All about me

hi my name is harper .  and my favourite colour is purple. i have  a dog and one chickens and tow fish.


  1. hi Harper i now i live with you but
    you do not have any chickens
    but we still have a dog and two goldfish

  2. Hi Harper,
    I like your blog, maybe next time make it a bit longer.

  3. hi Harper I'm Connor. I didn't know you had a lot of pets. You did great job. This is really cool, Next time you should put some capital letters and full stops in. but anyway you're riding is really good.

  4. Kia ora Harper, this is very cool. You have lots of pets. Maybe next time you could put in capital letters.

  5. Hi Harper I like what you've written about yourself.
    but one thing we don't have any chickens.
    have a great day.


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