
Thursday, May 20, 2021


I went camping in the holidays it was fun i went with my tow brother Baylee and Ollie and my mum Carla and one sister Kirsten i went with troy i played in the river near the tent i stayed there for four nights i had a BBQ on the balcony i had sausages and bacon in the morning i went for a walk wen i came back i had breakfast the next day i put the tent in the car  and I put the other stuff in the car and then we all went home. 

On the way we stoped at the dairy and I got some lollies and I also got some for my little brother Ollie my sister and my big brother Baylee and then we left again.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


At  Christmas we go to sleep and the morning we wake up and go to the lounge we pass each present around the room and when we have got awe present we open the present and we get goody bags and a tablet and a scooter and a helmet too

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Nyah birthday

In the holidays it was nyahs birthday me and Layla got to have a sleep over  we got to play on the tramp and we made sticky slime and we also went horse riding too we made the horse run to around the paddock.