
Monday, June 21, 2021

Harper it Personal

 Make it Personal

By now you should be able to spot the difference between Private Information and Personal Information. 

Here is a quick wee definition to remind you: 

Private Information 

Information about you that can be used to find out specific things about you like the exact date you are born, where you live and where you are going to be (e.g., your full name or your address)

Personal Information 

Information about you that is also true for lots of other people (e.g., your hair color or the city you live in)

Your task is to change the following ten sentences from Private to Personal. The first one has been done for you as an example. 

Private Information in Sentences

Personal Information in Sentences

Example: My birthday is on the 28th February 1988.  

Example: My birthday is in at the end of February. I was born in the 80’s.  

  1. My name is Cooper Clifford. 

1.My name is Harper

  1. I live at 205 Breens Rd, Christchurch. 

2. I live in christchurch


  1. I am going to Orana Park on Saturday at 2pm. 

4. I am going to Around a Park 

  1. My birthday is on the 28th November 2006. 

5. My Birthday is on November  

  1. I can always be found after school at the Hornby Hub. 

6. I can be found at school

  1. My Mum is Kelsey Morgan. 

7. My mums name is kelsey 

  1. My Nan Lives at 105 Whiterock Road. 

8. My nan lives 105 whiterock road 

  1. I always get my ice cream from the dairy at the end of Breens Road. 

9. I like eating ice cream. 

  1. My whole family is going to be at Chipmunks this Monday at 10am. 

10. I'm going to chipmunks

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