
Monday, November 15, 2021


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Layla p play date

In the holidays i went to Layla p house  and we went to timezone  i saw Layla nova Jess  and Rocco i ate chip's  apple scones 

Thursday, September 30, 2021

space suit

 You should definitely come to the where house buy this space suit because it has a space helmet and  gloves go on your hands and the coolest thing about it is that you can float on the moon too. If you need to climb up stuff and in the space helmet its not to hot and its not to cold it is warm. That is why you should buy the space suit.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

planet Earth

I think you should come to earth because it is the best planet in the solar system we have trees air and we also have food and warm clothes to keep you warm and we have the sun that's why i think Jeff should come to earth.   

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Monday, August 9, 2021

The sun

The sun is shaped like a star the sun the sun is bright and the colour of the  sun is red and it is about 93 million  miles away from Earth  and  the sun is hot and if we were to far away it will be to cold the sun is the biggest and the sun never movies  

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

the moon

  1. Do you like the moon let me tell you about the moon i went to the moon it is big and bumpy there a 
  2.  lot of bumps the colour of the of the moon is. Gray and the moon is light and lifeless and also the moon  has lots of hols the moon is shaped like a circle and rocky.  

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

our inquiry

we did our inquiry about space.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021


 I went to space  to see what it looks like i in space now  i look down at earth it looks round  and big  it was colourful and it was also cloudy we could see flashing thunder and the colour was green and blue  going back home now i liked it in space.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

hot air balloon

first i jump in to a hot air balloon i need warm close Togo to . Auckland i need water food pans long  sleeve top and i also need a parent to come with you and my hot air balloon was rainbow  it was a long time to we got thee wen we got thee i found a place to sleep but before i went to sleep i had to UN pack my close wen i finis d i went to sleep.  

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Belonging at school

 Belong  at school

I feel like I belong at school because I get  to hold the soft snuggly ginny.I feel like i Belong at school Because every morning I get to see all of the tethers. I feel like i belong at school Because i get to make new friends I feel like i belong at school Because i get to play in the 

warm pool I feel like i belong at school Because i get to play on the new playground

Monday, June 21, 2021

Harper it Personal

 Make it Personal

By now you should be able to spot the difference between Private Information and Personal Information. 

Here is a quick wee definition to remind you: 

Private Information 

Information about you that can be used to find out specific things about you like the exact date you are born, where you live and where you are going to be (e.g., your full name or your address)

Personal Information 

Information about you that is also true for lots of other people (e.g., your hair color or the city you live in)

Your task is to change the following ten sentences from Private to Personal. The first one has been done for you as an example. 

Private Information in Sentences

Personal Information in Sentences

Example: My birthday is on the 28th February 1988.  

Example: My birthday is in at the end of February. I was born in the 80’s.  

  1. My name is Cooper Clifford. 

1.My name is Harper

  1. I live at 205 Breens Rd, Christchurch. 

2. I live in christchurch


  1. I am going to Orana Park on Saturday at 2pm. 

4. I am going to Around a Park 

  1. My birthday is on the 28th November 2006. 

5. My Birthday is on November  

  1. I can always be found after school at the Hornby Hub. 

6. I can be found at school

  1. My Mum is Kelsey Morgan. 

7. My mums name is kelsey 

  1. My Nan Lives at 105 Whiterock Road. 

8. My nan lives 105 whiterock road 

  1. I always get my ice cream from the dairy at the end of Breens Road. 

9. I like eating ice cream. 

  1. My whole family is going to be at Chipmunks this Monday at 10am. 

10. I'm going to chipmunks

Wednesday, June 2, 2021


On Friday all five gropes get to pick choice and challenge when it was my turn i picked dance  The sensors tack my grope the names are Lucy Zara  zowy and when it was time to go back to class my fingers got gamed it rally hart the sensors tack me back to class .      

Thursday, May 20, 2021


I went camping in the holidays it was fun i went with my tow brother Baylee and Ollie and my mum Carla and one sister Kirsten i went with troy i played in the river near the tent i stayed there for four nights i had a BBQ on the balcony i had sausages and bacon in the morning i went for a walk wen i came back i had breakfast the next day i put the tent in the car  and I put the other stuff in the car and then we all went home. 

On the way we stoped at the dairy and I got some lollies and I also got some for my little brother Ollie my sister and my big brother Baylee and then we left again.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


At  Christmas we go to sleep and the morning we wake up and go to the lounge we pass each present around the room and when we have got awe present we open the present and we get goody bags and a tablet and a scooter and a helmet too

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Nyah birthday

In the holidays it was nyahs birthday me and Layla got to have a sleep over  we got to play on the tramp and we made sticky slime and we also went horse riding too we made the horse run to around the paddock.

Friday, April 9, 2021

how to get to the fish and chips shop

I left home to get some bread  i went straight down the path. i turn right i am there now i an going back home to eat it all up.

Monday, March 29, 2021


 My favoutrite thng was gymnastics  because i like the fom pit and the ben .

Friday, March 26, 2021


Do you want to know how to make jelly this is how to make jelly so you put the jelly in the boll mix while you put the hot and cold water i put it in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours take it out and derorat it whit anything  you want . 

Friday, March 5, 2021


on Thusday i made stikey slimey slime  with  my tem  we put the slime in a clear plasic container and then helen halved the slime 


at Rawhiti I can here the wind  I can see the sun  I can see the people  and the grass I can see the clouds I can here the kide splashing